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MEMA 51 summary minutes

Summary meeting minutes of the Marine Estate Management Authority (the Authority).

Meeting date: 12 April 2024


Authority members or their nominees in attendance were:

  • Chair, Marine Estate Management Authority (Dr Russell Reichelt AO FTSE FIMarEST)
  • Chair, Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel (Anthea Tinney PSM)
  • A/Director General, Department of Primary Industries (Dr Sean Sloan)
  • Chief, Transport for NSW (Bernard Carlon)
  • Executive Director, Department Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (Sharon Molloy)
  • Executive Director, Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (Steve Hartley)

The Authority considered a range of matters at the meeting including those summarised below.

Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel

In the last quarter the Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel (Expert Panel) provided advice on the final report for the Lord Howe Island community survey and scoping on how NSW could engage in Marine Spatial Planning. The Expert Panel is currently filling a vacancy for the Aboriginal expert in Sea Country management.

Marine Integrated Monitoring Program

The Authority was informed of progress on the Marine Estate Management Strategy (the Strategy) mid-term evaluation and discussion on how the findings can be responded to in concert with the Threat and Risk Assessment (TARA) review. The Marine Estate Monitoring Program aims to improve how delivery of the Strategy projects are linked to outcomes.

Marine park management planning

The Authority noted the Ministers responsible for the Marine Estate Management Act 2014 are considering the draft Mainland Marine Park Network Management Plan and summaries of submissions from community consultation.

The Authority endorsed the publication of the Lord Howe Island Marine Park community survey and literature reviews which will inform the development of the Lord Howe Island Marine Park management plan.

Marine Estate Management Strategy (MEMS)

The Authority noted current risks to implementing the Strategy. The Authority noted the flood estuarine protection and recovery program in response to the floods of 2022 in the Northern rivers and how it aligns with the Strategy. The Authority noted the actions to manage staff vacancies, reprofile budgets and rescope projects taken by agencies to manage the Strategy in an adaptive manner.

MEMS 5-year Health Check process

The Authority noted the 5-year health check of the Strategy is a coordinated response to the mid-term evaluation and TARA review. The Authority endorsed that in the 2024/25 financial year, the focus will be on strengthening the achievements and demonstration of the Strategy outcomes and governance.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Authority is scheduled for June 2024.