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Marine park advisory committees

Published 21 June 2024

A voice for local communities

These committees provide a voice for local communities in the management of the NSW marine estate and local marine parks. Marine park advisory committees will also play a key role during the development of new marine park management plans.

Each marine park advisory committee includes members with skills, expertise and knowledge in one or more of the following areas to ensure the wide range of community values can be considered:

  • Aboriginal culture
  • commercial fishing
  • local government
  • marine conservation
  • marine science
  • maritime industry
  • recreational boating
  • recreational fishing
  • recreational water use
  • tourism

Additional areas of expertise may be identified according to the local needs of each marine park. A member is appointed for each expertise area with a maximum number of 12 members appointed to each committee for terms of up to four years.

Alternate members can also be appointed and may act in the place of a standing member who is unable to attend a meeting. Membership of marine park advisory committees is voluntary, and members do not receive sitting fees.

Vacancies may exist on committees due to member resignations or as a result of no nominations being received for some membership categories after advertising. All vacancies are publicly advertised with the exception of local government representatives who are nominated by relevant Joint Organisation of Councils.

More details on the role, establishment, membership, process for appointment and operational procedures of the advisory committees is set out in the Marine Park Advisory Committee Handbook (PDF, 416.94 KB).