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Major milestones achieved in river rehabilitation efforts

log structure stabilises river bank

Local Land Services
18 December 2023
Media release: Major milestones achieved in river rehabilitation efforts - Local Land Services (nsw.gov.au)

North Coast Local Land Services has been delivering a range of projects focused on addressing the numerous challenges facing our river ecosystems, including water pollution, habitat degradation, and reduced biodiversity.

These projects are being delivered collaboratively with landholders and local governments under the Marine Estate Management Strategy (MEMS). The Strategy is designed to protect the state’s coast and estuaries and support stronger coastal communities and industries. Commencing in 2018, the NSW Government committed over $180 million in new funding to the MEMS in 2022 which will see projects funded until 2028.

This year’s accomplishments add to the previous year’s outputs creating a project footprint of over 45km (90ha) of riparian rehabilitation across the Alstonville Plateau since 2019 to help improve water quality and increase biodiversity in the region.

By employing innovative strategies and utilising advanced techniques, remarkable progress in revitalising our river systems and securing their long-term sustainability has been achieved.

North Coast Local Land Services General Manager Louise Orr said the projects delivered under the MEMS ensure improvements to water quality and the local environment while also benefitting local communities.

“The MEMS projects are examples of partnerships between sustainable agriculture and management of natural resources leading to whole-of-community benefits.

“Our partnerships with landholders and local governments not only stabilise the riverbanks and protect valuable farming land but also the sensitive ecosystems in our river catchments,” Louise said.

The North Coast LLS projects delivered under the Marine Estate Management Strategy aim to improve water quality through three main activities: road sealing, stabilisation and regeneration of riverbanks and riparian rehabilitation.

Shaun Morris, Senior Land Services Officer with North Coast LLS said landholders in locations like these usually see erosion during extreme wet weather or flooding; projects like the bank stabilisation work helps minimise the impact.

“Healthy functioning riparian zones play a key role in water quality by trapping and filtering sediments and nutrients.

“By focusing on protecting and rehabilitating riparian vegetation we help stabilise banks to protect against erosion which also provides vital habitat and food sources for our local fauna.

“Strong partnerships with our local government partners and local primary producers have led to a reduction in excessive sediment and nutrients impacting our river systems and entering the Marine Estate.

“Through projects such as transforming dirt roads adjacent to priority waterways into hard sealed surfaces, not only have we assisted aquatic habitats downstream but we have also improved the safety and access for local road users,” Shaun said.

Shaun continued, “By undertaking and completing the on-ground works across the MEMS projects, there are many benefits to the immediate area and water source, as well as many flow-on benefits.”

If you would like to know more about the Marine Estate Management Strategy projects that are being delivered by Local Land Services visit our website https://www.lls.nsw.gov.au/what-we-do/our-major-projects/marine-estate-management-strategy

Media Contact

For more information, please contact Michelle Gapes, Regional Communications Advisor, North Coast/Hunter via email michelle.gapes@lls.nsw.gov.au or 0467 291 890

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