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Celebrating over 40 years of Bushrangers Bay Aquatic Reserve

A  small bay with pebble beach and rocky surrounds

The Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries recently joined forces with Shellharbour City Council to celebrate over 40 years for Bushrangers Bay Aquatic Reserve.

Held on World Oceans Day 8 June at Shellharbour City Council Civic Centre, the event was an opportunity for the community and council officers to learn more about the aquatic reserve and sustainability initiatives by Shellharbour City Council.

DPI Fisheries Senior Manager Lesley Diver said it was great to gain positive input from participants at the event.

“Attendees were enthusiastic, asking lots of questions about the reserve and discussing ideas,” she said.

“A key focus for the presentations was how the community can assist with various initiatives to help our oceans,” Ms Diver said.

“For example, how to help care for Bushrangers Bay Aquatic Reserve, how to get involved in community events such as marine debris clean-ups and how to assist with reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” she said.

Bushrangers Bay Aquatic Reserve was declared a no-take reserve in 1982 to protect marine life and provide a unique experience for divers and snorkellers.

Ms Diver said she presented on the marine life at Bushrangers Bay and research currently underway at the aquatic reserve.

“Participants learnt about the variety of intertidal and subtidal habitats in the bay and some of the amazing marine life that use these habitats to find food, seek shelter and to reproduce," she said.

“We also outlined the research currently happening in Bushrangers Bay Aquatic Reserve. This includes remote underwater video surveys to identify the range of marine life using the reserve, genetic testing of a unique population of Posidonia australis in the shallow waters of the Bay and Reef Life Survey, a citizen science program surveying rocky reef biodiversity.”

Ms Diver said there were many ways for the community to enjoy Bushrangers Bay Aquatic Reserve.

“You can enjoy snorkelling, scuba diving, swimming, underwater photography and observing the variety of marine life. The rock pools and shallows on the western side provide an interesting rock pool ramble for non-divers,” she said.

How you can help care for the aquatic reserve.

* Follow the rules.
* Please report illegal activities.
* Take your litter with you. Better still, ‘Take 3 For The Sea’ www.take3.org

Check out the NSW aquatic reserve webpages for more information.

The World Ocean Day Talks event was a collaboration between Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries and Shellharbour City Council.

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