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Marine debris webinar now live!

Rubbish in water

Want to learn more about how we are assessing plastic waste in our ocean? Or how this marine debris impacts our wildlife?

Then, check out the NSW Marine Debris Threat and Risk Assessment (MDTARA) presentation, which includes everything you might want to know about how the risk of plastic waste is being assessed across NSW.

The live webinar in February 2023 did not go ahead due to a technical issue. However, members of the public are welcome to access a recording of the presentation with a Q and A section via this link: https://vimeo.com/799319443

The NSW Marine Debris Threat and Risk Assessment (MDTARA) was undertaken to gain knowledge regarding the impacts and threats of marine debris in the marine estate after it was prioritised as a major threat in the NSW Marine Estate Threat and Risk Assessment (2017).

The NSW Marine Debris Threat and Risk Assessment is a Department of Planning and Environment project funded under the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy.

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