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You’re invited to our Tilba Tilba Lake catchment rehabilitation: community workshop

A scientist scoops water from a small creek. This is for research.

Are you a landowner or community member interested in the health of Tilba Tilba Lake and its surrounding environment?

You’re invited to a community workshop on Wednesday 22 November to hear how local landowners are working with NSW Local Land Services and NSW Department of Planning and Environment to improve ecological health at these unique waterways through on-ground projects such as revegetation and stock exclusion.

The session will include presentations on recent monitoring and conclude with a Q&A session and light supper.

  • Tilba Tilba Lake catchment rehabilitation: community workshop
  • Wednesday 22 November 2023, 6-8pm
  • Tilba Hall, 3 Bate Street, Central Tilba

For further information and to RSVP contact: southeast.mems@lls.nsw.gov.au

For more information on the project check out: Tilba Tilba: A community partnership (nsw.gov.au)

This work was funded by the NSW Government under the Marine Estate Management Strategy.

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