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Celebrating women's contributions to Science in the NSW Marine Estate 

woman standing in front of mangroves

On February 11, we featured profiles of four amazing women contributing to the NSW Marine Estate in our socials (@nsw_marineestate) to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. We thought we'd share them with our newsletter readers as well - one profile per edition.

And for those concerned all our wonderful male scientists miss out on a profile, fear not. Once we’ve rolled out these 4 profiles we will feature more of our fantastic scientific staff - male and female alike.

Meet Dr Kate Buckley, our first scientist to be featured.

Dr Kate Buckley is a Fisheries Manager at DPI Fisheries working on developing strategies to improve the resilience of intertidal ecosystems like mangroves and saltmarsh.

Now a Grafton resident, Kate has spent a large part of her life in the northern reaches of Australia.

"I was born in Far North Queensland and have always had a passion for science and environmental conservation. This led me to work researching and monitoring threatened terrestrial and aquatic animals. For my PhD, I studied the conservation of the Critically Endangered Largetooth Sawfish, one of the largest fish found in Northern Territory rivers.”

Kate has had a diverse career ranging from research on the Great Barrier Reef to working for the Northern Territory Government in various roles including aquaculture and terrestrial ecology.

“I began working with NSW DPI Fisheries less than two years ago, and am now based in subtropical Grafton, the southernmost place I have ever lived! I can now apply the knowledge I have gained from working in the remote and relatively intact ecosystems of northern Australia to the management of the beautiful and precious NSW coast.”

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