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Cultural site protection

Published 26 June 2024 Undertake local cultural research activities with local Elders and communities, starting with Buckenbowra fish trap.
content image Fish trap at Buckenbowra River


Why is this project important?

Cultural fish traps hold important physical and spiritual connections to Sea Country for Aboriginal people.

There is much evidence of the use of cultural fish traps for thousands of years along the NSW coast, providing Aboriginal communities with fresh seafood and supporting cultural gatherings at important meeting places.

What are we doing?

This project supports Aboriginal communities to protect these significant cultural sites by developing conservation plans, undertaking research and monitoring, and doing repair and maintenance.


NSW South Coast – Buckenbowra (southwest of Batemans Bay)

Lead agency

DPIRD Fisheries


NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW)

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