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Cultural research and monitoring

Published 26 June 2024 Develop a research, monitoring and evaluation approach that is integrated with the Aboriginal engagement framework (Aboriginal engagement project) and aligns with overall Monitoring Program.
content image MEMS (I4) staff member Paul Brown, Wagonga LALC ranger Jason Davison, Far Sth Coast Landcare officer James Cook, Wagonga LALC ranger Peter Moore, Wagonga LALC ranger Martin Mason with an assortment of rubbish collected from Wagonga during marine debris data entry research and monitoring fieldwork. Photo by: Ian Kerr (NSW DPI)


Why is this project important?

The cultural research and monitoring project will gather data to help assess the effectiveness of the Marine Estate Management Strategy.

It will help to address knowledge gaps identified in the state-wide Threat and Risk Assessment for the marine estate.

The project will also protect Aboriginal cultural values within the Marine Integrated Monitoring Program.



Local government areas - Statewide

Lead agency

DPIRD Fisheries


Local Aboriginal communities

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