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Sea Country management

Published 26 June 2024 Enhance opportunities for Aboriginal employment in NSW Government to manage Sea Country.
content image Yvonne Stewart (third from left back row) and Zhanique Coldwell Jackey (second from left front row), Business Support Officers in DPI Fisheries, successfully completed the Aboriginal Pathways Program.


Why is this project important?

This project enhances opportunities for Aboriginal employment in NSW Government to manage Sea Country.

The Aboriginal engagement positions implement a range of Sea Country projects under the Marine Estate Management Strategy, to support cultural, economic, social and environmental outcomes for Aboriginal people and Sea Country, and to improve the cultural capability of those involved in the management of the marine estate.

Roles established primarily contribute to the planning and delivery of Initiative 4 - to protect Aboriginal cultural values of the marine estate, and include a marine estate Senior Manager, Aboriginal Project Officers and Business Support Officers.

They also work closely with staff across multiple Government agencies, industry, key stakeholder groups and community to assist in the delivery of projects in other Strategy initiatives.



Local government areas - Statewide

Lead agency

DPIRD Fisheries

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