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Coastal floodplain drainage management

Published 25 June 2024 Providing a framework for managing coastal floodplain drainage to improve water quality, simplify approvals and support viable primary industries.
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Why is this project important? 

A coastal floodplain is the low-lying, generally flat land surrounding an estuary.

In their natural state, coastal floodplains flood during high tides or after heavy rainfall.

Many of NSW’s floodplains have been artificially drained and floodgates installed to keep out high tides.

This has allowed these areas to be used for many purposes, including urban development and agriculture.

These artificial drains can cause water pollution, including the release of acid and heavy metals from the exposure of acid sulfate soils to air, and blackwater (deoxygenated water).

This can have a negative impact on the health and biodiversity of the estuary as well as the social and economic benefits of the area, such as fishing and tourism.

The current rules for the management of agricultural drainage infrastructure and activities are complex. This project aims to reform the regulatory framework for coastal agricultural drainage works by:

  1. reducing the impact on downstream water quality, aquatic ecosystems, communities and industries
  2. addressing the complexity, time and costs associated with the approvals process.

What are we doing? 

The Coastal Floodplain Drainage project interagency working group has developed a report on options for reform which has been published.

In early 2024 we will announce the date that public consultation on this report will begin, and you will be invited to share your feedback on it.

We are expecting consultation to open in early 2024. More information is available here - Coastal Floodplain Drainage Project

The report proposes six options that are designed to address the project’s objectives:

  • Option 1: one-stop shop webpage
  • Option 2: drainage applications coordinator
  • Option 3: concurrent assessment
  • Option 4: risk-based approach
  • Option 5: drainage work approvals under the Water Management Act 2000
  • Option 6: streamlining of Fisheries and Crown Lands approvals through the use of drainage work approvals.

What have we achieved so far?

The interagency working group initially consulted with local councils and peak bodies on the Coastal Floodplain Drainage Project in 2020 and 2021.

The purpose of the consultation was to:

  • gain a better understanding of stakeholder concerns about the regulatory framework for drainage infrastructure
  • identify potential solutions to improve the framework.

A ‘what we heard report’ summarising the feedback from these consultations was used to guide the proposed options for reform.


The project is being undertaken to apply to all coastal floodplains across NSW.

Local government areas - Statewide

Lead agency

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW)


    Various NSW Government agencies are involved in managing coastal floodplains and/or administering approvals for drainage works and activities. These agencies participate in the project’s interagency working group:

    • Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure - Planning
    • Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure - Crown Lands
    • NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water - Biodiversity, Conservation and Science group
    • NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water - Water group
    • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Fisheries

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