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Diffuse source water pollution governance framework

Published 10 May 2024 Improving management of water pollution from diffuse sources in NSW.
content image Drain with a rudimentary control capturing organic matter. Photo by: Aaron Wright


Managing diffuse water pollution

Diffuse source water pollution has a big impact on the water quality of our waterways.

It can be difficult to manage because it comes from many different sources.

It comes from land-based run-off and carries sediment, nutrients and bacteria into waterways and the marine environment.

What is being proposed to improve management of Diffuse Source Water Pollution?

Many NSW government agencies have a role in managing water quality and reducing litter in NSW marine and coastal waters.

NSW Government is working on the establishment of a governance framework for these agencies to share information and progress on their projects.

How will the framework work?

A new governance framework will allow government agencies to work together, improving the marine estate’s water quality by improving focus and coordination of diffuse source water pollution management. It will do this by:

  • clarifying roles and responsibilities of each agency
  • identifying strategies for managing the pollution.



Local government areas - Statewide

Lead agency

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure


Department of Primary Industries

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure

NSW Environment Protection Authority

Sydney Water

Office of Local Government

Greater Sydney Commission

Department of Transport

Local Land Services

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